Free live session: Digitalization starts understanding your data.

Please note: The live session will be in German language.
On December 16, 2021, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, OMNINET will host a free live session on the topic:
Digitalization starts understanding your data.
In the live session, our BI expert Mr. Michael Sattler will present how to make data-based decisions with Business Intelligence and at the same time drive digitalization in your company.
Digitalization is a key factor for the optimization, automation and holistic control of processes. In order to use data and business analyses as the basis of your business model, knowledge of the entrepreneurial processes and their interrelationships is necessary.
OMNILYTICS provides the optimal BI ecosystem and an effective and pragmatic approach with consulting and implementation sprints to analyze processes and the data processed by your company or your customers. In doing so, ONNILYTICS offers a direct integration to the OMNITRACKER process management platform and can also be integrated into the product landscape of other software vendors.
Contents of the live session
- Digitization of processes as a key factor for the data-driven enterprise.
- Data and business analyses look at processes and the data that is processed.
- Only with an integrable BI ecosystem, complex business processes can be digitized with full process control.
OMNILYTICS is a modular all-in-one solution for Business Intelligence, reporting and analytics needs. Data analyses and the derived decision knowledge are an optimal basis for the development of business models. With the help of evidence-based decisions combined with your knowledge, you lead your organization safely into the future. This enables you to react quickly to fluctuations, uncertainties and market developments, to prepare for changes at an early stage and to remain competitive.
We thank you for your interest and look forward to your participation. For questions regarding content and organization, please contact us at any time via e-mail: